sâmbătă, 13 septembrie 2008

vara asta...

azi e 13 septembrie.azi se fac 2 luni. 2 luni de cand am fost cea mai fericita persoana de pe pamantu asta.si totusi... imi mai aduc aminte si acum totate discutiile si toate momentele petrecute impreuna. nu credeam k dupa 2 luni o sa fiu asa :)

ma rog.vara asta a rulat din toate punctele de vedere. Am avut tot ce mi-am putut dori la un moment dat :). apoi ai aparut tu in viata mea si mi-am ridicat standardele prea sus.n-am putu sa te ajung, desi, pentru un moment, pareai asa de aproape...

am prieteni.prieteni buni :) o am p alexutza.p biscuite.cei doi copii frumosi ai mei care m-au paraist.pe gogo.pe vanghi... multi :) n-am crezut niciodata k o sa am atatia prieteni [sper eu] adevarati.

cineva inteligent zicea ca viata e facuta din momente.iar vara asta a fost plina de momente abs spuerbe.din kirshna de dupa teze...de la tara cand urlam la telefon la ornella de bucurie ca am ramas amandoua in vianu :)...din tabara...cand dormeam 6 intr-un pat sau cand fugaream ursu cu lanterna [sau cand muream de frig si tu am tineai in brate]....din bucuresti...de la baschet din studentesc...de la bran cu fetele cand ne clacsonau camionagii...si cand stateam pana la 4 dimineata sa jucam carti...si ne fceam praf...si am mers sa vedem englezii de la frensi din tabara...de la paris pe ploaie...din sibiu cu rochia...:) din krishna cu fetel...din london cand am dat peste baieti si eu mam ascuns dupa un perete...:) ziua lu consuela...knd am dormit la alex si ne uitam la poze dintr-a 5a...de cand am mers q ami la bran si neam imbatat din prima seara...:)

in fine...poaimaine e luni si incepe scoala....o sa fie la fel de frumos si de acum incolo....o sa am multi cunoscuti si prieteni...:) o sa fie dragutz sper...desi o sa-mi lipseasca momentele q ornella si ami din baie...q consuela de la usile maro cand chiuleam impreuna :-<. sa-mi fie dor de multe chestii din vara asta...dar mai sunt 9 luni si vine vara viitoare...am timp sa fac loc pt alte amintiri pana atunci :)

lve u all....alex ami roby ornella consuela saby sandra vali iulian gogoasa tanase darius vanghi osi :)) >:D< mersi ca miati facut vara asta mai frumoasa...mersi pt tot :)

melodiile mele de toamna asta [3]

The ataris-In this diary

Here in this diary,
I write you pages of my summer.
It was the best I ever had.
There were choruses and sing-alongs,
and that unspoken feeling
of knowing that right now is all that matters.
All the nights we stayed up talking
listening to 80's songs;
and quoting lines from all those movies that we love.
It still brings a smile to my face.
I guess when it comes down to it...

Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up:
These are the best days of our lives.
The only thing that matters
is just following your heart
and eventually you'll finally get it right.

Breaking into hotel swimming pools,
and wreaking havoc on our world.
Hanging out at truck stops just to pass the time.
The black top's singing me to sleep.
Lighting fireworks in parking lots,
illuminate the blackest nights.
Cherry cokes under this moonlit summer sky.
2015 Riverside, it's time to say, "goodbye."
Get on the bus, it's time to go.

melodiile mele de toamna asta [2]

Faber Drve-When summer fades to fall

I count down the days until we say goodbye
I wish there was a way that i could just stop time
forever, remember
summer nights we spent together
on my car, counting stars
just wishing I
could stay(I know we only met a month ago)
with you(its always hard to let the feelings go)
when summer fades to fall(whoa whoa)
I'd stay(I should have known that this would come and go)
with you(and now we'll only get the afterglow)
when summer fades to fall(whoa whoa)
far away from you only time will tell
when your back in school will you meet someone else
remember, forever
summer nights we spent together
holding hands, making plans
just wishing I
could stay(I know we only met a month ago)
with you(its always hard to let the feelings go)

when summer fades to fall(whoa whoa)
I'd stay(I should have known that this would come and go)
with you(and now we'll only get the afterglow)
when summer fades to fall(whoa whoa)
everytime I think of you
I dont wanna face the truth
why wait forever knowing we may never follow through
guess I should get over you
but I cant let go so soon
why wait forever knowing we may never follow though (I'll wait forever just for you)
I count down the days until we say goodbye
I wish there was a way that I could just stop time
just wishing I
could stay(I know we only met a month ago)
with you(its always hard to let the feelings go)
when summer fades to fall(whoa whoa)x3
yeah(whoa whoa)
I should have known that this would come and go
and now we only get the after glow
when summer fades to fall

melodiile mele de toamna asta [1]

Blue-When Summer's gone

She was a lonely type
Her heart can not disguise
Her passion...for life

She had a love for art
Painted pictures with her heart
She's One (she's one)...Of a kind

She's standing tall
She's got it all
She's everything
I'm looking for

She's standing tall
She's got it all
She's everything
I'm looking for


If you want me like I want you
If you need me like I need you
Its alright

If you love me like I love you
Let me be the one to hold you
Through the night

We'll be walking though leaves
When summers gone
We'll carry on

We'll be walking through leaves
When summers gone
We'll carry on

I am a simple man
Take pride in what I am
Got passion
For life
(for life)
Don't think I'm like the rest
With my heart up on my chest
I try to...Be kind

She's standing tall
She's got it all
She's everything
I'm looking for
Ooh Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

She's standing tall
She's got it all
(got it all)
She's everything that I'm looking for


If you want me like I want you
If you need me like I need you
Its alright

If you love me like I love you
(if you want me)
Let me be the one to hold you
(if you need me)
Through the night

We'll be walking though leaves
When summers gone
We'll carry on
(ooh we'll carry on)
(ooh we'll carry on)

We'll be walking through leaves
When summers gone
We'll carry on

Somehow I do believe
Some things are meant to be yeah......


If you want me like I want you
If you need me like I need you
Its alright


If you love me like I love you
(if you want me)
Let me be the one to hold you
Through the night
(ooh yeahhhhh)

We'll be walking though leaves
When summers gone
We'll carry on

We'll be walking through leaves
When summers gone
We'll carry on

by sabina-Pentru tine...

Am incercat sa imi imaginez cum va fi momentul in care ne vom revedea. Am incercat sa ma gandesc ce iti voi spune, sau mai bine, ce ar fi cel mai potrivit sa iti spun.
As fi vrut sa iti spun ca mi-a fost dor de tine, ca m-am gandit mereu la tine, ca plang atunci candvad poze cu noi sau cand ascult "melodia noastra". As fi vrut sa aflii ca te iubesc si ca, probabil, te-am iubit in tot acest timp, ca, parand departe, am fost mereu aproape de tine, ca tin minte tot ce mi-ai spus, ca mai plang si acum cand imi aduc aminte.
M-am intrebat daca si tu simti la fel, daca mai simti la fel ca altadata, daca ai fi dispus sa risti pentru mine, sa luptam impreuna, sa ne gandim mai intai la noi. "Speranta moare ultima" mi-ai zis tu odata. Acum imi dau seama cata dreptate aveai.
M-am gandit cum ar fi sa vorbim despre noi. M-am gandit cum ar fi sa stam impreuna si, dintr-o data sa ma iei de mana, m-am gandit cum ar fi sa dansam ca atunci, ca atunci cand nu puteam sa ma bucur... sa dansam asa de apropiati ca atunci. Cum ar fi sa ma saruti... Apoi sa stam de vorba... sa ma opresti din vorbaria mea atat de lunga, care imi tradeaza emotiile, numai pentru a-mi spue ca ma iubesti. Cum ar fi sa imi fie atat de frica, dar sa stiu ca atata timp cat vei fi langa mine, nu imi va mai fi frica de nimic.
Dar stiu ca atunci cand te voi vedea, o sa raman blocata, cu lacrimi in ochi, uitandu-ma la tine... Asa ca tot ce imi imaginez e de prisos.

Cu drag,
[scrisa de sabina.]